Join Map Lanes

The Join Value Lanes guide demonstrates Join Value Lanes which aggregate value lanes from many agents. Similar to Join Value Lanes, Join Map Lanes aggregate Map Lanes across multiple agents.

A Join Map Lane uses downlinks to create permanent links to Map Lanes and exhibits the same behaviour as Map Lanes. Some additional properties are present:


Join Map Lanes are declared similarly to Map Lanes but require an additional type to be defined, the link form type. As follows:

JoinMapLane<FormType, KeyType, ValueType> stateJoinMap = this.joinMapLane();

For the purposes of this cookbook all three types will be String. A join map lane is a map that can aggregate entry sets of many map lanes using downlinks. If aggregating maps of different types, a sufficient type must be used - such as a String. Join Map Lanes can perform put and remove operations on the map instance but the operations are not propagated via the downlinks.

Usage of Join Map Lanes mandates downlinks to be opened to the lanes that are to be aggregated and this can be performed easily through the didStart() method of an agent.

// swim/basic/
static class AggregatedStatisticsAgent extends AbstractAgent {
  JoinMapLane<String, String, Integer> aggregatedStatistics = this.joinMapLane();

  public void didStart() {

From here, we are able to use the lifecycle events that occur on other data structures in the same fashion; such as registering a didUpdate() to process the data.

A worked example

In this example, we will work through joining three Map Lanes that hold information regarding US states and aggregate the data into a Join Map Lane. This aggregated data will have a didUpdate() callback registered that checks entries that are added to see if they exceed a threshold. If it is, then the data is logged.

One agent, StreetStatisticsAgent, will store a given state’s street data. AggregatedStatisticsAgent will aggregate all the StreetStatisticsAgents and is accessible through a MapDownlink which is used further on.

// swim/basic/
static class StreetStatisticsAgent extends AbstractAgent {
    - Key: Street name
    - Value: Street population
  MapLane<String, Integer> streetStatistics = this.mapLane();

// swim/basic/
static class AggregatedStatisticsAgent extends AbstractAgent {
  // Aggregated statistics of US states
  JoinMapLane<String, String, Integer> aggregatedStatistics = this.joinMapLane();

  public void didStart() {

Join Map Lanes require downlinks to all of the JoinMaps that are to be aggregated and these can be opened using the agent’s didStart() method; in this instance, the didStart() method is used for convenience, however, in more complex applications command lanes would be more suitable. Here, downlinks are opened to three states using the Swim lane ‘state’.

Bringing this together, a plane is required with the two previous agents and the appropriate lane URIs.

// swim/basic/
static class BasicPlane extends AbstractPlane {
  AgentRoute<StreetStatisticsAgent> mapRoute;

  AgentRoute<AggregatedStatisticsAgent> joinMapRoute;

By design, operations performed on a Join Map Lane are not propagated through the uplinks to the Map Lanes. Thus, the maps to be aggregated must be populated and not inversely. Map Lanes are opened on a plane as discussed in the map lane cookbook and a Join Map Lane is no exception. This Join Map Lane logs streets that contain over 1000 residents using the didUpdate() method:

// swim/basic/
final MapDownlink<String, Integer> join = clientRuntime.downlinkMap()
  .didUpdate((key, newValue, oldValue) -> {
      if (newValue > THRESHOLD) {
          logStreet(key, newValue);

Try It Yourself

A standalone project that combines all of these snippets and handles any remaining boilerplate is available here.